We are a community where people
BECOME like JESUS, and
IMPACT our world for JESUS.
As we live out our mission together as God leads and empowers us to do so, we envision:
- …through personal and meaningful exposure and experience with the fullness of God’s love, grace, and truth as revealed through His Word
- …through a multigenerational and multiethnic community made up of authentic and imperfect people
- …in an ongoing way that leads to an eternal relationship with God of dependence, surrender, worship, and abundant living
- …because of the powerful work of the Holy Spirit and how we are consciously depending upon God through prayer
- …through intentional and ongoing discipleship and spiritual formation that leads to lives being clearly changed by the transforming power of the Gospel
- …through an interdependent community that encourages and calls everyone to live out the whole gospel of Jesus Christ
- …as we discover and are equipped in the gifts and calling that God has given us
- …because we are aware of and actively engaging in the daily opportunities to join in God’s mission
- …as we love God and our neighbors through acts of compassion, mercy, and justice that will transform the landscape in our community and beyond
We are all on a journey. Creekside is a community of faith where the journey is walked together. We are a group of people that learns, questions, ponders, acts, speaks, shares, listens, watches and gives together. We are a community where faith in Jesus Christ is not only a noun but a verb as we seek to live on mission with a “Kingdom of God lens” during the 167 hours between our weekly Sunday worship gatherings. We are a church that desires not just to be a place of program and activity, but to be a catalyst for change in lives, neighborhoods and the world. We desire to be a community where people of all ages are:
- Welcomed and safe, finding friendship and encouragement
- Astonished at the wonder of God’s deep love
- Invited to encounter Jesus in a daily way that continually transforms us
- Not spectators, but actively using time, talents, and resources to serve God and others
- Representing Jesus and shining His Gospel light in homes, workplaces, schools and neighborhoods
- Serving God in our local community and around the world
What Is A Covenant Church?
Creekside is a part of the Evangelical Covenant Church — a rapidly growing multiethnic denomination with ministries on five continents of the world. Covenant churches seek to be places of formation in, witness to, worship of and mission with Jesus Christ.
- Evangelical, but not exclusive
- Biblical, but not doctrinaire
- Traditional, but not rigid
- Congregational, but not independent
We are united by Christ in a holy covenant of churches empowered by the Holy Spirit to obey the Great Commandments and the Great Commission:
…To love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind.
…To love our neighbor as ourselves, and
…To go into all the world and make disciples.
The Evangelical Covenant Church is non-credal, meaning we have not adopted a written creed or confession. Rather, we see the totality of scripture as our creed. With the Word of God as our foundation, we are guided by 6 affirmations.
1. The centrality of the Word of God. We desire our lives to be shaped by the powerful and living Word of God.
2. The necessity of the new birth. God longs to be in an intimate relationship with each one of us. This relationship begins through a decision to follow him, experiencing the spiritual rebirth that he offers. New life in Christ is for all who commit their lives to Him.
3. A commitment to the whole mission of the Church. Early Covenanters were known as “Mission Friends”— people of shared faith who came together to carry out God’s mission of renewal and restoration in the world. This mission includes evangelism, Christian formation, and a commitment to compassion, mercy, and justice.
4. The church as a fellowship of believers. We as a community share together in the ministry of the church. The church is not an institution, organization, or building. It is a grace-filled community of believers who participate in life and mission together.
5. A conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit. In a wonderful and mysterious way, God makes his home in, dwells in the hearts of his people. It is God the Holy Spirit who enables to follow Christ and conforms us to his image, who guides us to continue Christ’s mission in the world, who equips us as individuals and binds us together as Christ’s body.
6. The reality of freedom in Christ. We welcome and value differences of opinion concerning certain theological issues, worship styles and the way we live out our faith. We believe that these differences are overcome in community, sharing life together in Jesus. In essentials – agreement. In the non-essentials – freedom. And in all – love.
For more information on the Evangelical Covenant Church, visit the denominational website: