
There Are No Accidents

Posted by on Mar 19, 2019 in Stories

There Are No Accidents

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)

This past Sunday, Keith Ferrin preached from Romans 8, which is consistently my favorite passage in the Bible. An old study Bible had a note that compared the book of Romans to a cathedral and Romans 8 to the pinnacle of the cathedral. One of the things we’ve been talking about at Creekside is clarifying the language around our mission statement with a strong focus on encountering Jesus. While it was many years ago, I’d like to share the defining Romans 8 moment in my life up to this point.

It was May of 2005, and I had just graduated from Virginia Tech. The next step in my plan was to head to graduate school for my master’s degree at North Carolina State in Raleigh, NC. A friend of mine had just moved to Raleigh, so my plan was to stay with him for a few days before starting my summer job and work out the details of where I would live when I started school in late August.

The day before I headed down, my friends and I were playing our standard Sunday afternoon pickup softball game when a routine flyball resulted in my colliding with someone else. The next day I was at the doctor, and the day after I had several hours of surgery to plate the bones I broke in my face back together. Needless to say, I was not in North Carolina finding a place to live that week. After that week, I needed to start my job. I couldn’t take more time off, so I figured I’d work out a living situation remotely. The morning of my surgery, I read Romans 8 before heading to the hospital, and even though it seemed like a random accident, as I read the latter half of the chapter, I had this strong sense of peace that there was a purpose for my experience.

Shortly after that, an opportunity popped up to go work for a company doing a yearlong internship in Phoenix, which I applied for since there were no concrete commitments yet holding me to heading to North Carolina. As they say, the rest is history. I got the position in Phoenix, which ultimately led to my getting a job offer that required me to move to Redmond, WA. Washington is where I met Sarah, my wife, and now we have two amazing kids. I strongly believe that had I not had that accident, my life would have taken a very different path.

So personally, whenever I think of encountering Jesus, to me Romans 8:28 is inseparable from that concept. I know God speaks to and works with each person differently, but for me it’s always been through events where looking back, I can point to Romans 8:28 and say, “I know that worked for my good.”

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