
The 167: January 23, 2020

Posted by on Jan 23, 2020 in The 167

Every day we find the temptation within to initiate a coup.

That was the heart of the matter that we discussed this past Sunday as we studied one of the major scenes from Samuel’s life. Israel wanted a king…a “real king.” And Samuel stood in the gap while his people insisted on rejecting God as their true king for the sake of some idolatrous and lesser option.
And it all lead to that which we’ve been hopefully reflecting on during these 167 hours: Am I tempted to do that same kind of rejection and coup in my own life?  It’s a real temptation that can be there every day.  To try to take back the throne at the center of my life.  To proclaim God as my King with my words, but not with my actions.  Yet His grace is so sufficient with each day and His mercy continues to work within us to decrease and annihilate that temptation.  And so we join together daily in our endeavor as a community of faith to exalt God as our True King.
“He must increase; I must decrease.” (John 3:30)

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