
The 167: February 13, 2020

Posted by on Feb 13, 2020 in The 167

Have you been experiencing the G.I.G. Syndrome at all this week that we talked about this past Sunday?  You know…the Grass Is Greener Syndrome. Where we’re tempted to get focused on any and every thing besides the pasture that we are in.  Where we lose sight of the most important and critical question related to the G.I.G. Syndrome: WHOSE pasture am I in?

I was struck last night in my small group conversation around our recent Kingdoms reading that included the beginning of Saul’s life.  Having just preached about the beginning of David’s life, I was struck by the contrast of Saul’s beginnings. “As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart…” (1 Sam 10:9)  A very important transformation. In fact, you could say God either moved Saul to HIS pasture or transformed/revitalized the pasture of Saul’s life.  In contrast, there was something different from the beginning of David’s life that didn’t require his heart to be changed when he was called to be king…but set him apart as one who was “a man after God’s own heart.”
My encouragement for us all this week is to take some inventory of the state of our “pasture” and to pray that God would continue to cultivate the state of our heart, soul, and mind in a way that we continue to encounter Him and grow into greater harmony with who He is and what He is all about with each and every day.

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