

Posted by on May 1, 2013 in Stories

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Why is it so hard to ask for help sometimes? You know there are many people who would like to help.

One day when I was walking out of the bank, I saw a couple with car trouble. I had no problem giving them a jump start. In fact I was happy to do so.

A few years ago the heater went out on our car. The only way to fix it was to replace the heater core which would require removing disconnecting all the wires and vacuum hoses, then removing the dashboard. Removing all nuts and bolts, and disconnecting all the wires vacuum hoses can be done by only one person. Lifting the dashboard to remove it however, requires two people. I had no problem going to a neighbor asking for help, and he had no problem with coming over to help me.

Yet when it comes to money, food, housing, or health problems, we often don’t like asking for help. Why? Often times we are embarrassed. Or we think ‘it’s our problem and it’s none of their business’. Or we may think no one would understand or maybe believe us. And then some of us may simply think it’s too shameful.

There are times when someone needs help and the only thing anyone can do is be there for them. A few weeks ago my wife and I went on a trip to visit my Dad. He was dying of cancer and even with pain killers, he was in great pain. All I could do was just sit with him.

If you know someone who is sick or recovering from a bad injury, go to them. Visit them even if you do nothing but sit there in the chair next to them. It will mean a lot to them. And if you need help and someone wants to help you, it might be wise to let them.

Some of you know I have a hearing loss. For many years I didn’t let people know. I bluffed a lot when it came to hearing someone. Many of my customers had no clue that I couldn’t hear every word they said. Yet I was able to repair every piece of machinery they brought me. But one day I messed things up. The customer was mad. And when he found out I couldn’t hear well, he was mad about that. He told me I would avoid lots of problems in life if I would just tell people that I have a hearing problem. (Right now many of my hard of hearing friends are saying, “We keep telling you that!” I know. I’m doing better now.)

If you need help, ask for it. Tell your friends. There are lots of people who would be happy to help you. And if you know of someone in need, ask if you can help them.

“Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’ And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’” (Matthew 25:44-45)


PS. Thank you to everybody who helped and prayed for my wife and me about my parents.

Steve can be reached via email.

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