![A Conspiracy of Hope](https://i0.wp.com/wp.ecreekside.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/icn-worship-fully.jpg?resize=186%2C186&ssl=1)
Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. Romans 4:18–21
Hoping against hope in hope that the God of hope would figure out a way to make his promises come true, since he alone has the power to do so. Hope is Kingdom Fuel. It is not based upon circumstances, it is not “I hope I get this job” or “I hope the test comes back favorably,” or “I hope I get a new job,” or that “I will find true loved.” Hope is not based upon circumstances. It is based upon fact and faith, evidence and substance — truth: That there is a God, that he is good, and that he has a plan, to make the ways that they are in the Kingdom of Heaven the way they are here in the Kingdom of earth. Hope is based upon the reality that though we live in a broken world, we worship a King who has overcome the world and that his Kingdom of Life and Light can and will crash through the present kingdom of darkness and death.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
Advent is a season of hope. Hope that no matter what the circumstances, a messiah has been promised, and God delivers on everything he promises. As Daniel Taylor said in his message this past Sunday, “God alone is a hope that will not spoil or disappoint.”
Peace, hope and love