
COVID-19 Response


COVID-19 Response

We know that these are very unusual times and not everyone is comfortable and ready to attend our in-person services just yet. So we are continuing to provide some opportunities that are available for us to be able to connect online as we make the gradual transition back to in-person services.





In March 2020 we launched our new (temporary) norm of an online worship service experience until further notice. We are excited to announce that we will now be meeting at 9:30am on Sunday mornings for in-person services as of May 2nd. Our services will continue to be live-streamed for those who are not able to or do not feel comfortable attending services yet at this point on the platforms described below. Each service will include a message from Pastor Mark followed by a time for worship in song. Should you choose to come in person, service will be followed by our spending time with others in our outside “commons” patio.

At Creekside, we are respectfully asking that you follow the Washington State mandates of social distancing and wearing of masks at all times while on-site. Thank you and we look forward to being with you all again soon! Watch this tour video for more information about how we will be following the WA State guidelines to keep our congregation safe.


Our main platform for our online service streaming will continue to be our OnlineChurch site. It is a public page and accessible even if you do not have an account. We typically start our live feed at 9:25 allowing for people to interact live in the comment section of the website prior to the service starting at 9:30. Our services will be real-time streamed to this website for those who are not able to come physically but wish to participate in these services from a distance.


Another platform we use to stream these services is our Creekside Facebook Page. It is a public page and accessible even if you do not have a Facebook account.  Please make sure to “follow” our page in order to receive real-time notifications of our live feed starting. The live chat will also be available on this platform, however, we encourage you to use our ecreekside OnlineChurch webpage described above, as this is where the majority of our members will be watching online.


We have reignited Creekside’s YouTube channel throughout COVID and encourage you to subscribe. In addition to posting past video sermons on that channel, we are also simultaneously live streaming there each Sunday. If you are not a Facebook person, this may be an easier platform to simply watch the live stream (although you will not be able to see or interact with the comments happening on the OnlineChurch site or Facebook).  YouTube is also typically fairly easy to access on most smart TV’s.


Additionally, we have everything set up so that you can view our YouTube live stream from the website. So, you’ve got options! And if for some reason the live stream doesn’t work for you at the moment on any of these platforms, never fear… you’ll be able to find the recording immediately following the conclusion of the service on these platforms.


We invite you to pray for our Sunday service between 8:15-9:00am each Sunday either in-person or on Zoom. You can also submit any prayer requests or praises at any point here.


As always, we welcome all people to join our services at Creekside and encourage you to invite your friends and family to attend our services whether online or in-person at 9:30am as of May 2, 2021.

We absolutely believe that God is moving all around us during this pandemic and is drawing many into salvation. As weird as this whole move to an online service has been, we believe there have been opportunities for our Sunday morning online services to be a safe place for others to “come to church.” So please continue to be intentional about inviting people. When we create posts or events about Sunday morning, please share them on your own newsfeeds. And when our live stream starts on Facebook, we encourage you to start a “watch party.” (When you expand our live feed to full screen, you should see an option to “invite friends to watch.”)


For the month of May, we welcome you to join in on a new thing that Pastor Mark will be hosting on Sunday evenings on Zoom from 7:30-8:30pm: Creekside’s “Sunday In Review.” Borrowing from KUOW’s program “The Week In Review,” this will be an opportunity each week for further dialog and discussion about the sermon and Scripture from that morning. You can join each week at this link.

We also want to encourage you all to take the initiative and continue to be praying TOGETHER during the week as often as possible. Whether that means initiating your own Zoom prayer time with a few friends, over the phone, or by any other means. Stay safe and healthy as we continue to worship and praise our God throughout this time.

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